Posts tagged pricing
Purpose Driven Freelancer Ettie Bailey-King

Ettie struggled with undiagnosed ADHD in traditional education and employment. Starting her freelance business changed everything.

The 'traditional' world of work left behind, Ettie's moulding the freedom of freelancing to suit her needs, to play to her neurodivergent strengths. She's made a change to her world, looking to make a difference for others through her purpose-driven work.

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Video Production Specialist - Kirth Noel

A lot of freelancers have a niche. But how do you figure out what your freelancing niche should be?

In this episode we hear how Kirth Noel explored what interested him, his passions, what he wanted to master.. but what also might make sense as a business decision. From hobbyist photographer to specialised visual engineer in the world of video production. And whilst Kirth now uses robotics to create his work, its the human connections that bring it to him.

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