Twitter Ads For Freelancers - Web Developer Barry McGee
Front End Web Developer Barry McGee on stepping out from the BBC and being freelance.
Barry's experiment with paying for 'promoted tweets' to find himself work is a fascinating new technique to land his CVs on the desks of decision makers. But did it work?
“You’ll never be experienced enough... just start doing it”
Here’s some of the key takeaway points:
Hear how Barry experimented (successfully) with paying to promote himself on Twitter
Taking on small freelance projects alongside a full time job gives you experience of dealing with clients and getting your head around the financial side of things like invoicing and taxes
You will never think you’re experienced enough… just get started and learn by doing
Job boards and agencies are fine, but you’ll get more valuable contracts if you can figure out how to get your CV in front of the people who hire direct
LinkedIn has been really useful for Barry in keeping connections alive from job to job and for being tracked down for future work
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