Developing Consultant Magic - CSS Wizard Harry Roberts
CSS Wizardry's Harry Roberts went from secure staff job to in-demand consultant and international speaker.
Great tips on self marketing, the importance of your own site's language to getting hired and the difference in being a freelance consultant.
“A good consultant should never get hired twice... so you’re constantly looking for new clients”
Here’s some of the key takeaway points:
Before you leave your full time job: put time (years) into self-marketing
Before you leave your full time job: give as much of a notice period as possible
Give away a lot of your knowledge for free as 'content marketing' but don't forget to put a 'Hire Me' message across your blog and site
Speakers don't often get paid, but there are many advantages
Put something out there as soon as you can and then perfect it later, don't just wait
Consultants should work to a 'value-based' pricing model
More from Harry
Harry Roberts' CSS Wizardry site
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