Posts in Speaker
Self Developer - Developer Sara Soueidan

How do you go from having no idea of a career... to becoming Net Awards Developer of the Year? In just a couple of years?!

For Lebanese freelancer Sara it's been a journey of self development as much as anything she's done for the web. Hear her story of learning, sharing, writing, speaking, teaching, creating... and then learning some more.


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Growing - Social Media Consultant Alison Battisby

Alison began in social media at the beginning of social media itself, setting up the first Facebook pages for major brands. From within agencies, she sowed the seeds for a successful freelance career: now managing, training and speaking for a range of clients.

Now those seeds have sprouted Avocado Social. As a brand she's growing in confidence, growing her team and growing her audience. Hear how she markets herself and Avocado to finally enjoy the fruits of her labour.

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