Being Freelance

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Don't Freak Out! - Strategist Louisa Heinrich

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Strategist, speaker, designer and instigator Louisa trades both as herself and as her company Superhuman Limited, travelling from her homes in Berlin and London to make a difference across the digital world.

A long career from startups and agencies to big corporations and even governments has given her great insights to share so hopefully we won't freak out. But does she?

Note: since recording this episode (July 2015), Louisa's longtime collaborator Ayman Maat has become a full partner in Superhuman Limited. Busy, busy, busy.

Here’s some of the key takeaway points:

  • working as a company with its own name and brand can open you up to bigger clients than a single freelancer could ever get, no matter how good your CV

  • identify patterns in what clients ask of you… is there a way of productizing that service to make it more obviously available or open to a wider audience?

  • identify negative patterns in your workflow; how can you break free of them?


  • find a way to mitigate anything that freaks you out, put yourself back in control

  • communication with clients is key; be clear about what you're doing, when and why - how is it going to be benefit them?

  • ask for feedback from clients after every engagement

More from Louisa

Louisa on Twitter

Louisa's site & blog

Louisa's company Superhuman Limited

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You know how everyone bangs on about how powerful video and audio content can be? Yeah, well Steve helps businesses make it and make the most of it. Find out more at Track him down on Twitter @sfolland or lay a trail of cake and he'll eventually catch you up.